Dust mites survive on human and pet skin and hair detritus which makes up most of household dust. 

Dust mite particles are often found in pillows, mattresses, carpeting and upholstered furniture.

They float into the air when anyone vacuums, walks on a carpet or disturbs bedding and they settle once the disturbance is over.

Dust mites are a common cause of asthma in children and adults.

Dust Mites in Bedding

  • Remove all bedding from all the beds in the home
  • Dust mites are usually a problem and are found in beds
  • Wash all bedding at highest possible temperature
  • Dry in a dryer at highest possible temperature
  • If no dryer, put in direct sunlight to dry
  • Do this weekly until the problem has gone
  • Replace pillows after 1 to 2 years
  • Cover your mattress with a plastic or waterproof breathable cover

HEPA Vacuum

  • Vacuum every second day till the problem is under control
  • Steam clean carpets with hot water where possible
  • Vacuum mattresses and especially the seams and folds

Dust Mites and Humidity Control

  • Dust mites thrive in high humidity above 50%
  • Use a humidifier where possible at less than 50% humidity setting

Pets and Dust Mites

  • Brush pets daily for excess hair outside
  • Wipe pets fur with damp cloth when they come inside the house
  • Vacuum pet areas daily
  • Replace pet bedding regularly
  • Keep pets out of bedrooms – if possible!

Freezing Dust Mites

  • You can freeze pillows placed in plastic bags to kill dust mites inside

HEP Pest Control Specialist

If the problem persists, contact a HEP Pest Control Services who might use chemicals or light / heat devices