Cockroach Pest Control Cape Town

Cockroach Pest Control Cape Town

Cape Town based HEP Pest Control Services specialises in treating all types of cockroaches including German Cockroaches, Oriental Cockroaches, American Cockroaches, Brown Banded Cockroaches and local indigenous cockroaches.

We operate in all of the Cape Town Metropolis and surrounding areas.

HEP Pest Control Services

HEP Pest Control Services have successfully been treating properties throughout Cape Town and surrounds against German cockroaches.

Our certified pest control specialists offer fast, safe and painless eradication of your cockroach problems.

Cockroach Habitats

Most cockroaches in Cape Town are nocturnal by nature, meaning they spend all day long hiding in cracks and crevices around areas like sinks, basins, drains, ovens, geysers and in the backs of fridges and other electrical items, sometimes inside the electrics sometimes shorting electrical appliances and costing you time and money.

A cockroach can change directions up to 25 times in a second. If a cockroach breaks a leg it can grow another one.

Cockroaches may be seen running for a dark corner in your kitchen or laundry when you come home in the dark and put the lights on.

In cases of severe German cockroach infestations, the cockroach faecal matter emits a foul smell often likened to an almond-like or ammonia-like smell. 

Cockroaches will eat just about anything including discarded foods, cat faeces in litter boxes, etc.

Cockroaches can mechanically transfer germs by walking over and on food preparation surfaces, dishes, eating utensils, etc.

The German Cockroach pest control

The German cockroach is a small species of cockroach, measuring about 1.3 cm to 1.6 cm long as an adult.

The nymphs however are very small (about 2mm) when they first emerge from the egg case. The nymphs are often mistaken for ants by the untrained eye.

Adult German Cockroaches are tan to light brown, and have two dark parallel streaks running from the head to the base of the wings.

Although it has wings, it is unable to sustain flight. Nymphs have a pale area centrally on the dorsal thorax.

The German cockroach is one of the most common household cockroaches in Cape Town, and can be found throughout many settlements around the world.

These pest insects are particularly fond of inhabiting restaurants, food processing facilities, hotel rooms, and nursing homes as well as Cape Town homes.

In most parts of the world (Cape Town included), these cockroaches are heavily reliant on humans for survival.

Humans in Cape Town provide everything German cockroaches need like food, warmth and places to hide and breed.

They need a lot of water and are generally found in or near kitchens, laundries and bathrooms.

German cockroaches can survive for up to one month without food and two weeks without water.

The American Cockroach pest control

Another commonly found species of cockroach in Cape Town is the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana).

This species of pest cockroach is a lot larger than the German cockroach, reaching an adult size of up to 5cm in length.

American cockroaches in Cape Town are frequently encountered in homes, hotels, restaurants and hospitals where they contaminate food stuffs and food preparation areas.

The American cockroaches in Cape Town and other nearby areas often come up from the sewerage system before entering your home or workplace, contaminating everything they come into contact with.

Due to the fact that American cockroaches are good flyers, they can reach the highest levels of any building in Cape Town.

They are generally nocturnal and are strongly attracted to light. So, if you leave a light on at night, the chances are, American cockroaches will be attracted to your Cape Town property.

HEP Pest Control Services - Free Quote

If you suspect or know that you have a cockroach problem in your home or workplace, you should call our HEP Pest Control Services consultant now for a free no obligation quotation.

We have appointments available to suite you! We specialise in providing Cape Town cockroach pest control at an affordable price.

We will help you eradicate your cockroach problem while at the same time recommending an integrated pest management programme to be implemented in conjunction with yourself to create a clean and pest-free environment for the future.


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