Rodent (Rats and Mice) Pests in Cape Town

Rodent (Rats and Mice) Pests in Cape Town

Rodents transmit diseases, carry fleas, can damage electrical wiring resulting in shorts and / or fires, damage insulation, contaminate food, etc.

Rodents breed very rapidly if the conditions are right. They can breed up to 4 to 6 times a year with a brood of 8 to 10 each time. The young are generally ready to breed after 8 to 10 weeks.

Do I have rodents in my house / business?

If you see signs of droppings, find small holes that appear to have been chewed on, or hear scratching noises in roof or around house, you probably do have a rodent problem.

How do I get rid of my rodent problem?

The best way to get rid of a rodent problem quickly and permanently is to contact a pest control specialist such as HEP Pest Control Services on 064 374 5789.

Types of Rodents found in Cape Town

You will generally find 3 types of pest rodents in your Cape Town house or business.

These are Norway rats, Roof rats or House mice.

Norway Rats

This rat has a thick, heavy broad body with a tail shorter than its head and body together. Has lighter and darker tail colouring. Tail does not move a lot.

It has small ears around 20mm covered in fine hairs. It is between 325mm and 460mm nose to tail and weighs between 310 and 525 grams.

Roof Rats

These rats are smaller and lighter with thinner bodies. The tail is longer than the head and body together and moves around a lot more.

Tail is generally one even colour across whole tail. Ears are prominent with hair covering.

They are normally between 350 and 450mm in length nose to tail and weighs around 120 to 375 grams.

House Mouse

They are a lot smaller – about half the size of a roof rat. The head and body is normally 65 to 95 mm long with the tail around 75 to 100mm.

Large ears for the body size are characteristic. They normally weigh around 15 to 20 grams.

How do I control rodents?

• Keep all food in sealed containers
• Clear away old / leftover foodstuffs
• Keep inside and outside areas clean
• Do not leave old pet food lying around
• Close all gaps down to 6mm in doors, windows, ceiling, roof, pipes, etc.
• Remove garbage to disposal areas daily
• Keep bushes away from walls and clear underneath
• Keep stables, kennels, poultry runs clean

What rodent pests do you have?

The correct eradication procedure and poisons will depend on the rodent species concerned.

If you suspect that you have a rodent problem, call HEP Pest Control Services on 064 374 5789 so that our professional pest control operators can determine which rodent you are dealing with.


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